
How to create a rockery in the garden?

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A rockery is an undoubted ornament of every garden. Do you dream of having it by your house as well? Find out how to start this gardening adventure!

A rock garden – many gardeners’ dream

Many home and garden owners eventually face this challenge. After all, a rockery is a special place that you probably want to have at home, too. The fairy-tale landscape, when plants interweave with stones and pebbles, tempts many people! It is well known, however, that a rockery, like most plantings, requires a lot of work. But the effect will be worth it – we promise! To start with, we invite you to read our short guide which will tell you how to make a rockery in your garden, where to start the shopping and garden works.

Where to start with creating a rockery?

At the beginning think about where your rockery should be located. Remember that you want it to be exposed, so we suggest in advance a place in the center of the garden. We don’t necessarily mean exactly in the middle, as this might look unnatural, but we certainly wouldn’t recommend hiding the rockery. Let your creation please the eye of your guests, why hide it somewhere in a corner? Start by planning out where you will begin creating your rockery.

Stone selection – it’s worth the effort!

Another important consideration is the selection of stones you will use to create your rockery. They cannot be random if they are to harmonize with the whole environment. Many people pay attention to making sure the stones match the facade or fence. If your vision is also to make the rockery look as natural as possible, you’ll probably want to use varied stones as well. Where can you find them? You will certainly find them in the garden or in close proximity to it. You can also buy them.

Time for groundwork

Once you have chosen the spot where you want to create your rockery, you dig up the top layer of earth there. Then it is time to put coarse gravel and small stones on the bottom of the excavation. This creates a proper drainage layer. Caution: we do not advise using debris left over from the construction of a house. Why?

Well, quite often it happens that it contains lime harmful to plants, and this is something you definitely want to avoid. Remember also that it is advisable to make the excavation a bit larger than you plan for the rockery, to line its edges with non-woven fabric and sprinkle it with pebbles and gravel. This is done to prevent grass and weeds from growing up near the edges of the rock bed. As far as its shape is concerned, it is advisable to go for what will look natural, not geometric.

What plants to choose for a rockery?

You already know how to set up a rockery. What is particularly important is, of course, the plants we choose for it. Although in theory they should be alpine plants, you don’t necessarily have to rely only on them. Diversity will be a big advantage here! The most popular plants planted in rockeries include:

  • sedum,
  • sea anemone,
  • sedum, coastal fern, dianthus,
  • quince,
  • dwarf birch,
  • palm maple.

When building a rockery you should also remember about ornamental grasses. They will help you create that unique atmosphere that will be associated with the most beautiful mountain landscapes

When to start work?

All right, we already know quite a bit about preparing for a rock garden and the beginnings of this adventure. It is also worth thinking about when we can start work – can plants be planted on a rock bed all year round? Generally yes, but the best time is not too hot spring or the end of summer, when the temperatures are also quite pleasant and not too strenuous during gardening. Remember also that higher humidity promotes rooting

Get ready…and have fun!

Although creating a garden rockery may seem complicated at first glance, nothing could be further from the truth. Just follow our tips, add to your knowledge if necessary and simply have fun. Building this undoubted garden ornament is supposed to be a form of relaxation and pleasure. The most important thing is a positive attitude, and the effect will certainly be delightful!

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