
Concrete fencing – why is it worth it and for which properties will it work?

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Concrete fences can be understood in two ways. These can be traditional walls, between which spans are fixed, or entire panels. In which properties they work well? What are their advantages? We answer!

Where can concrete fences be installed?

Concrete fences are an effective way to secure property area. They are often used in households, but not only. This fence is also popular in companies, factories, workshops or warehouse halls. Decide on them also people who keep pets. Concrete panels protect against their escape, which can not be said about the traditional mesh or metal rods.

Concrete fencing works well on plots that are near the forest. They protect the property against the intrusion of third parties and wild animals.

What are the advantages of concrete fences?

You already know in which places it is best to fix concrete fences. Besides, this type of solution has many other advantages:

  • durability and resistance to harsh weather conditions – concrete is incredibly durable, it is not afraid of any snow, frost or rain. The color does not change under the influence of excessive sunlight. Concrete is resistant to moisture, therefore it is distinguished by a long life span.
  • aesthetic appearance – although on the surface it seems that concrete is clumsy and does not fit into many fence arrangements, you can easily match the look. There are many solutions on the market, from concrete panels to foundations to posts.
  • guarantee of privacy– everything that happens behind a concrete wall is not visible to passers-by, that’s why it is often chosen by people who value intimacy.
  • variety of colors – concrete does not only have to be gray, there are many colored surfaces on the market.
  • no need for maintenance.

Concrete fencing – this is what you need to remember

Concrete is heavy and clumsy, that’s why its assembly is not so easy as, for example, mesh fencing. You will need help of a third party. Besides, this type of solution can have a negative impact on plants. Before you plant them, check how they cope in conditions of strong shade. Light does not penetrate through concrete, so it is more difficult to fit it into the environment in this respect.

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